My Latest Projects

Root (Social Media App)

Made using MERN, deployed with Netlify (frontend) and Render (backend)

A social media app with customizable options for posts and profile settings. Future implementations to be added. Sign up and interact with your friends!

Lobby Chat Application

Chat in a Lobby...with Bots, part of my upcoming capstone project which utilizes the MERN stack.

Customize your name and type in this modern chat lobby with quirky fun graphics and themes.

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe with customizable options!!

Choose your name, colors, and your tilePiece!!

Kalos Pokedex

Made using PokeAPI, vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!

This design is based on the Kalos Region Pokedex. Look up your favorite Pokemon!


100Devs: Project 001 - Calculator

A calculator with customizable options

Hair Salon

A fictional salon known for its elegance and extravagant style!

Featuring beautiful models, our stylists, and a coupon for your first visit!

For more projects please check my Github where I code daily!!


Interdum amet non magna accumsan

Nunc commodo accumsan eget id nisi eu col volutpat magna

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet ac arcu phasellus tortor enim mi mi nisi praesent adipiscing. Integer mi sed nascetur cep aliquet augue varius tempus lobortis porttitor lorem et accumsan consequat adipiscing lorem.


Interdum felis blandit praesent sed augue

Accumsan integer ultricies aliquam vel massa sapien phasellus

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet ac arcu phasellus tortor enim mi mi nisi praesent adipiscing. Integer mi sed nascetur cep aliquet augue varius tempus lobortis porttitor lorem et accumsan consequat adipiscing lorem.



Featuring my educational endeavors:

  • 100 Devs - Software Developer @ 100 Devs
  • Mountain Castle Marketing - Data Entry, Graphic Design, eCommerce
  • VSAP - Field Service Technician for the US Election 2022 / 2023 (Volunteer)
  • Rabbit Air - Technician for Air Filter Company

  • Per Scholas - Full Stack Software Engineer
  • FreeCodeCamp - Web Development & Javascript Certifications
  • Cal Poly Pomona Alumni - Bachelor of Computer Science

Ipsum sed commodo

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.

Eleifend lorem ornare

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.

Cubilia cep lobortis

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.

Non semper interdum

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.

Odio laoreet accumsan

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.

Massa arcu accumsan

Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.


Want to know more? Feel free to send me a message below or through my email: